
Hours of Operation: M-F: 8:00 - 5:00

Materials Calculators

Calculate the amount of cubic tons of sand, soil, gravel or mulch you should order for a given area. Click on the Flagstone or Bulk Material Calculator below to determine your order size.

Flagstone Calculator

Bulk Material Calculator


How much does a cubic yard weigh?

The following are approximate weights for our bulk materials.

Sand 1.10 – 1.25 tons(2,200 – 2,500 lb.) per cubic yard

Planting Mix 1 ton (2,000 lb.) per cubic yard

Lawn Dressing .90 tons (1,800 lb.) per cubic yard

Compost .40 tons (800 lb.) per cubic yard

Landscape Gravels 1.20 – 1.35 tons (2,400 – 2,700 lb.) per cubic yard

Washed Gravel 1.35 tons (2,700 lb.) per cubic yard

Washed Limestone 1.20 tons (2,400 lb.) per cubic yard

Limestone Base 1.35 tons (2,700 lb.) per cubic yard

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